Fire Safety Field Trips for Preschool and K-2


In September our 3-5’s and K-2 took thier first field trip to visit our local fire stations. The kids were welcomed by the firefighters, given a tour of thier fire house and shown a demonstation of the gear they have to wear. This can be the first time for many our kids to see a firefighter up close. It can be scary to see someone in all that equipment and hear thier deep raspy voice through the respirator mask. This is a big reason for doing this trip, to start a conversation, at home and school, about firefighters being our friends and other fire safety rules.

Back in circle the kids talked about what they saw, practiced crawling under pretend smoke, and have been roleplaying with dress up equipment. In the K-2 class, the kids started thinking about home escape plans. There are many more activities you can try at home to continue this important subject. Make your escape plan and practice it. Have pretend fire drills. For more info you can find fun kids activities on our local fire departments site here.

Will a 3 year old remember their escape route? Maybe not, but having talked about it, met firefighters, and practiced at home it may make all the difference in a real emergency. They may stop, drop and crawl. They may yell for help instead of running away from rescue workers.
