Our Philosophy

CCC embraces constructivist education while incorporating the Reggio Approach to projects and learning.  Constructivism is not a “method” of teaching, but rather a theory regarding how we all learn. Constructivist educators put the emphasis on the process, and instead of how “best to teach”, we strive for “how best to learn”.

As an arts and science school we encourage children to approach learning with enthusiasm and joy. Children’s minds naturally construct knowledge by engaging in the process, searching for meaning, synthesizing information, interpreting ideas, adapting their theories, and sharing what they think.  This process allows us to construct understanding; growing our minds, hearts and souls.

Brain Based Learning

Neurological science has shown that the human mind flourishes when actively engaged in experiences, often referred to as experiential learning.  By providing a structured, yet flexible day, with hands on activities, and investigative projects, children look forward to school with a sense of adventure.  Our Teachers design an innovative curriculum that supports both critical and creative thinking skills that grow with the children as they age.  We incorporate Dr. Howard Gardner’s work on Multiple Intelligences, touching the learning styles of each individual child. Teachers, children and parents partner together as they participate in the classroom, on fieldtrips, and in projects launched by the children’s ideas. Education is not seen as a straight path, but rather a lifelong journey filled with endless possibilities.

Our Curriculum

At CCC we take an interdisciplinary approach to teaching.  Our indoor and outdoor spaces are seen as “Laboratories for Learning”, where ideas grow and flourish.  As a progressive school, a wide variety of subjects weave in and out of our interdisciplinary approach.  Academic skills grow naturally as literature, language arts, and mathematics are integrated into children’s daily work and play.  Students of all ages feel appreciated as they share their knowledge with others and connect “big ideas” across the curriculum.  At CCC, numbers and letters, stories and songs, paint and clay, wire and wood, dance and drama, are just a few of the “100 languages” children use to express their ideas and knowledge.

Next… Our Teachers